google chrome virus attack

Posted by blogger newbie on 16.21

From detiknet again ya, if the virus is already reportedly designed to fool the Google Chrome users start to flourish. This was said by Bit Defender security company, that a malicious program disguised as an extension comes with Google Chrome.

Attack mode that begins with an email that advertises the existence of a new kstension Google Chrome. False Extension is claimed capable of 'helping organizations received the documents via email'. Well, the mail contains a link to this page Google Chrome extensions are fake. This page will menaut to file with the suffix. Exe and not. Crx which is the original suffix for extension of Google Chrome.

Malicious programs that will change the Hosts file from Windows and block access to Yahoo and Google. If the victim tried to access both the popular site, the page that appears is a fake page.

Well, it is dangerous too ya.

So for those of you who still use Google Chrome suka2 hati2 his aja, if can not install too many extensions, install an important kira2 aja. And hati2 with emails like that already dijelasi above.